Plan Your Day Trip to Contadora Island
The pearl archipelago is full of treasures to discover, and without a doubt, Contadora Island is one of them. That is why we want to dedicate a complete blog for you to plan your day trip to Contadora Island and enjoy this paradise.
Best Activities to Do in Panama City
Panama is a beautiful city that houses the old and the modern. Its warm climate, culture, and language have made it a popular destination for tourists. It is also a city with many social, nightlife, and cultural life. Today we will tell you about the best activities to do in Panama.
The Best Cocktails to Drink in Front of the Sea
Imagine yourself sitting in front of the sea, with Caribbean music playing in the background and a cocktail in your hand. How many wouldn’t want to be like that right now? However, while you think about your next destination and pack your suitcases, we bring you a selection of the best cocktails to drink in front of the sea.
This Is the Best tourism to do in Pearl Islands
If you want to know which is the best tourism activity to do in the Pearl Island, you are in the right blog. There are many things you should know about the Archipelago of the Pearls, so let’s start from the beginning. First of all, this magical island is located in the Pacific Ocean. It […]
Activities to Do in the Pearl Islands
Pearl Islands are some of the most recognized paradises in Panama. It is located in the Pacific Ocean, surrounded by white sands and crystal clear waters. It is an ideal place for lovers of sports activities such as scuba diving, whale watching or even surfing. There is many activities to do in the Pearl Islands […]