As the philosopher Plato once said, the sea is a great healer. Therefore, today we decided to make this blog to pay tribute to this greatness that runs through our planet and tell you the benefits of the sea for our welfare.

Reduces Stress
The simple fact of listening to the waves of the sea, feeling your feet touching the sand and contemplating the greatness of the ocean, makes your stress decrease drastically.
The sea helps us to live in the present, it is a relaxing environment that helps to calm our thoughts and feel good. That is why many experts recommend a trip to the beach when you are living a moment of high stress.
Helps to Fall Asleep
Have you ever spent a lot of time in the sea or in the pool and at night you feel very tired? This happens because under the sun your body tries to keep its temperature cool in order for your body to function properly. Therefore, it has to work overtime to maintain a proper body temperature. This can cause your heart rate to rising or your metabolism to work harder. Thus, your body gets more tired.
It Is an Exfoliant for Your Skin
Sea salt has an exfoliating effect that leaves the skin softer and renewed because it helps to eliminate dead cells. However, it is important to maintain a good cleansing and protection routine when you go to the beach, as it can also dry out or sunburn your skin.
Improves Your Mood
Many of us find that being at the sea or at the beach awakens our happiness and this is definitely reflected in our mood. There is nothing better than coming back from a trip with our energy elevated, grateful and satisfied from our rest time.
Awakens Your Creativity
Watching the ocean is undoubtedly a spectacle. Listening to the waves and feeling connected to nature helps us to clarify our ideas and find more inspiration. In fact, at Saboga Lodge we love to support our guests’ creativity through painting, exercise, yoga, and meditation
Connects You With Your Inner Self
Our body is made up of about 80% water, which means that we connect and identify a lot when we are in the sea. As we mentioned before, being at the beach inspires peace and that is just what we need to connect with ourselves.
Saboga Lodge is an unspoiled island located in the Pearl Archipelago. It is about an hour and a half from Panama by boat. Being an island with a small population and a virgin ecosystem, our guests make their trips a spiritual retreat that greatly enhances their well-being.
Now that you know all the benefits of the sea, we are waiting for you at Saboga Lodge so you can experience them and take home thousands of lessons.