How to Reduce the Use of Plastic while Traveling?
The devastating effects of plastic on the environment are gaining more and more headlines. We often forget our plastic-free promises when we go on vacation. Whereas it is easy to avoid the use of plastic when traveling.
Bringing a water bottle and a reusable bag is the first step toward minimal plastic use. There are many other ways to reduce plastic pollution when traveling.

Choose Eco-Friendly Hotels and Accommodations
Eco-friendly hotels make it easy for you to avoid plastic by providing filtered water reusable bottles. They also provide alternatives to plastic straws, at the bar. To reduce the waste produced by shampoos in individual bottles, eco-friendly hotels are also putting their products in reusable containers. Many of the hotels have started to replace the bottles of toiletries with dispensers.
Take a “No Plastic” Toiletry Bag
Nearly 1 billion plastic toothbrushes end this year. They have been replaced by biodegradable bamboo toothbrushes. Plastic cotton swabs are also very destructive. Billions end up in landfills each year around the world. Millions are flushing down the toilet, completing their journey across the oceans. If when you travel you tend to pack your hiking boots and dirty clothes in plastic bags, always prefer clothes bags.
Fly Smart
The environmental cost of the aircraft is already high. Many companies use more plastic than necessary for their onboard services. So ask the crew to fill your reusable bottle when it is served for you to drink. Always refuse to grab individually wrapped refreshing napkins and order your drinks without a plastic stirrer. If you forgot your reusable bottle, keep the same cup for the entire flight. It can also help airlines working to limit plastic use.
Choose Responsible Tour Operators
With a good tour operator, you can be sure that your tour operator is looking to reduce the negative impact of your trip on the destinations you visit. Minimizing the use of plastic is one of them, which is possible by providing reusable bags and drinking water or serving meals in reusable or compostable containers. Always choose an eco-responsible tour operator.
Invest in a Water Purifier
It is no longer an excuse to drink water from plastic bottles. There are many ways to purify water while traveling. Many filter bottles are available on the market and can purify up to 150 liters of water with a single cartridge. Vitamin C tablets can reduce the bad taste of water purification bottles.
Use Good Quality, Low Emission Travel Equipment.
Some clothes often contain harmful plastic microfibers, which end up in the ocean when you wash them. Fortunately, many brands are now avoiding this problem by making materials with sustainable and eco-responsible fibers, or by creating clothing from recycled plastic. Quality clothing also lasts longer, which helps reduce the use of plastic. It is advisable to choose travel equipment that is not plastic. Just Google eco-friendly travel kits and you will find a list of them.
Start the Conversation about Zero Plastics in Local Businesses
Instead of just ordering your cocktail without a plastic straw. It is your responsibility to talk to the bar manager or owner and suggest they invest in a biodegradable alternative like bamboo or paper straws. They may not be aware of the ecological effects of these practices. This small action will help local businesses reduce their use of plastic.
Bring Reusable Utensils
If you like to eat at the market or take a bite to eat on the road, you’ve probably helped to fill the land(or ocean) with coffee cups, plastic plates, and silverware. Limit your waste by investing in a reusable cup, bowl, and silverware, and keep them with you. Today, there are many brands available that offer reusable, lightweight, and compressible utensils. You will have to wash them and you can reuse them.
Participate in a Cleanup, On-Site.
You can volunteer to take action at the tourist spots you visit by helping to clean up a beach. Take the initiative and invite other travelers to help with the cleanup. Many tourist places regularly host this type of cleaning. Check out Facebook events for upcoming cleanups where you’re going
Buy in Small Shops
Supermarket chains are notorious for over-packing their food. You can avoid this by buying fresh produce from the markets in reusable bags. The same goes for crafts, buying plastic-free items directly from artists and artisans saves on the plastic packaging that is often used to transport your goods. And it’s good for the local economy.
Saboga Island Policies for Responsible Tourism
- 1- Don’t litter. Be aware of the amount of waste you generate and avoid overproducing.
2- Do not bring to your rooms or remove from the forest or beach, any living or dead animal.
3- Do not feed any wild animals.
4- Do not touch or extract any corals – They are living beings that are part of a delicate ecosystem.